Taking Care of Bigfoot Cat.

Bigfoot, as imagined by a Canadian artist.

Well, I thought it was time for another entry that is light-hearted, and probably even more important, short, so it’s just fitting that this entry will be of a cat. And no, you will not see any photos of the cat in question, for reasons that will shortly be explained.

A friend of mine had gone on vacation recently, and I was entrusted with the task of taking care of his cat. I went there every day, and did not see the cat once; merely… cat traces.

The cat is one I’ve seen before, and is named Naftali, a name that was more common in Israel 40-60 years ago. Regardless, this was the cat’s name.

Each day I would go to my friend’s house, call to the cat, look in all the rooms, and I would not see the cat. I was worried so much that the first day I mailed my friend that his cat was seemingly not there, but had declared that I will return that night in order to see whether the food was consumed, and the litter-box used: Evidence that the cat was still there.

I did check, and food was consumed, and the litter-box disturbed. The cat, though elusive, was still on the premises, but it had eluded me.

For five days and for five nights, I have taken care of the cat (once per day or night, usually). And for five days and for five nights, I had seen neither tail nor hide of the cat, but its food-plate was filled, its water refreshed, and its litter-sand scooped.

And so I deemed this cat to be Bigfoot Cat, not for the size of his feet or paws (which I assure you all, are quite normal and average), but for the fact that there was never any direct reporting of the cat itself, merely… cat traces.

P.S. Three more entries to this blog’s 100th entry.

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10 comments on “Taking Care of Bigfoot Cat.

  1. Persocom says:

    lol interesting cat. perhaps he/she has social withdrawal syndrome. hikikomori cat.

  2. bluedrakon says:

    If cats are scared, they will stay hidden quite well. I have had to do a head count on my cats if a door is left open or something.

  3. Radiant says:

    I beg to differ whether or not cats like change and/or strangers.

    A friend of mine had a similar task to you, and it’s the complete opposite to what you’ve experienced.

    What you need to do, is train the cat to respond to your entrance with the reward of food. Pavlov and all that.

    • Guy says:

      All cats are change averse, and take time to adjust.

      Cats that are used to routine might like strangers, but are likely to be slightly wary, more wary outside when approached.

      Most cats are like this. Some cats are more outgoing and brave, and this cat was on the other extreme end ;)

      Also, train the cat? I didn’t even see it once in five days :P

  4. Canne says:

    Cats can hide very well and you won’t find them unless they want to be found like when they have kittens and explicitly dumb the kittens in the middle of you lawn.
    (worse case scenario)

  5. Yi says:

    That’s why I’m more of a dog person. One call and she comes running in with enthusiasm and a wagging tail.

  6. lovelyduckie says:

    My sister’s cat does that. When we have guests it runs and hides, she is normally very greedy for food but if a strange person is in the house we have to force her to eat. The stray I found last year comes to the door and greets visitors.

  7. Ninjovee says:

    That’s a pretty amusing cat. It’s like a ninja.
    The only cats I’ve really encountered are strays… but then again, I think they’re pretty accustomed to humans because they’d come up to anyone calling them and they try being cute so you’d reward them with food. It kind of reminds me of certain cartoon shows where cats do that.

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